What the world tears down is our duty to build up

I have one rule for myself: leave people better than I found them.

Tanya Moushi
2 min readMar 14, 2022

One of those random quotes I keep in the back of my mind is that everyone has their own struggles, whether you see them or not. So I always wonder, what tiny thing can we do to make an interaction a good experience? Can we encourage people? Can we be excited for them? Glad for them? Proud of them? Support their efforts? Connect them with others who can help?

What they often need is just some support, some encouragement, a dash of kindness and a sprinkle of good faith. It’s a nominal investment.

You’re not crazy for being tired all the time

We can point to a number of things and see the micro and macro reasons for our exhaustion. Lately, the big ones include:

  • Inflation boosting up the cost of everything
  • Megalomaniacs instilling fear and chaos to gain power
  • Diseases leaving superb scientists confused
  • Tragedies of all sorts — human to systemic — marring good souls

There is infinite reason to look around and think I am so fucking tired.

But we’re not here for a particularly long time. We’re here just enough to make the small differences that we can in our lives and the lives of others.

Step back, refresh, replenish, and rejoin the fight

If you’re concerned even the slightest about being remembered, remember this: if you can be the brave one, the kind one, the vulnerable one, the courageous one, the generous one, the encouraging one, the supportive one — nobody will ever forget you. Because what the world tears down is our job to build up and that applies first (and foremost) to people.

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Tanya Moushi

Empathy-rooted entrepreneur, business philosopher, part-time poet and closet musician. Writing @ Moushi.co/blog