What does it mean to be a Good Business?

Tanya Moushi
1 min readApr 30, 2022

What does it mean to be a Good Business? It means you understand your impact in the world.

Let’s go deeper 🧵👇🏽

Good Business means you recognize that your interactions with employees, clients and your community make a difference — however big or small it may be.

Good Business means you work to uplift those who are bettering themselves (including you) while being conscious of the opportunities, grace, and reality around you.

Good Business means you realize that your work has an impact on your personal growth and psychological, social, and emotional wellbeing — and take that seriously.

Good Business means you can responsibly sustain yourself (and your family) in a way that supports your life’s dreams and goals.

Good Business means you honor your values in every way as best as you can with room for imperfection.

Good Business means you have to be badass enough to maintain Gratitude, Empathy, Care, Kindness and Optimism (GECKO) when the world might not make it easy.

Good Business means you contribute your ideas not just for the sake of contribution but for the sake of connection.

Good Business works for your benefit and the benefit of others.

Good Business is an existential choice with a transcendental impact.

If these ideas of Good Business resonated with you, retweet and feel free to share your definition.

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Happy weekend, friends.

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Tanya Moushi

Empathy-rooted entrepreneur, business philosopher, part-time poet and closet musician. Writing @ Moushi.co/blog